What Makes Rick Hansen High School Unique?

The School’s Vision

A positive, caring community of learners dedicated to individual success and excellence.

Accessibility Certified Gold

in 2019, Rick Hansen Secondary was the first school to receive this rating in Canada. This accessibility certification was given by the Rick Hansen Foundation. In order for this school to obtain certified gold, they included in the construction elevators, wayfinding, accessible cafeteria, visual alarms, cane detectable trophy cases and water bottle fill stations, fully accessible washrooms, automated double door entries, guardrails, large accessible parking spaces, ramps, and nosing on exterior stairs.

Athletic Performance Academy

Rick Hansen emphasizes on physical health when he gives speeches at schools, including his own. Rick Hansen Secondary created a 40-week program that is geared towards athletes from all sports, working towards a holistic development of becoming a high-level performer. Students gain knowledge and expertise from the fields of physiotherapy, chiropractic, nutrition, sport psychology, exercise physiology, and University level coaching.

Rick Hansen giving a speech to his namesake school in Abbotsford.2019.

School of Business and Science

Rick Hansen Secondary has been given a unique opportunity to offer to senior students to specialize in business and sciences. These one of a kind programs in BC allows students to take advantage of targeted training, internships, and University credits. The science program combines courses into a hybrid of classroom learning and real-world experiences, that also include the opportunity to study internationally.

Abbotsford News, September 2015

Sources Used For This Page:
rickhansen.com (including photos), and The Abbotsford News- The Reach Archives

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