In 1983, the student population started at approx. 200 and peaked at 468 as the highest attendance rate. In 2001, the elementary school transitioned their grade 6 and 7s to surrounding middle schools which has resulted in having an attendance rate hovering the 300 mark.
In a 2000 Census, the school released a demographic of their students.
- 19% of the children were from families on income assistance
- 11 students were on the lunch program
- 12 students on Ministry I.E.Ps.
- 11 international students
The school also presented a demographic of ESL and First National students.
- ESL: 41 students
- First Nations: 35 students
- ESL: 39 students
- First Nations: 32 students
In this graph, the earliest information released is from 2004. During this 17 year demographic span, this elementary school attained the highest student enrollment in 2016 with 292, with a close 290 in 2019. The lowest enrollment rate was found in 2011 with 229 students. in 2020/2021, this elementary school has a total of 261 students, in which 43 are indigenous and 27 are special needs.
Sources Used For This Page:
Abbotsford Post and Terry Fox School Archives: From The Reach Archives,