
Rick Hansen Secondary

Welcome to the history of Rick Hansen Secondary! With the tabs you will learn about the creation of the secondary school, the history of Rick Hansen, what makes this school unique, and the student enrolment demographics over the years.

We start here with the history of how Rick Hansen is represented through the school’s motto, colors, logo, and their mascot.

Rick Hansen celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Man in Motion Tour.

“Be the best you can be!”

The school’s motto that represents Rick’s belief that we should all look within ourselves to discover what we are each capable of accomplishing and focus on improving ourselves, not on trying to be better than someone else.

School Colors

Navy Blue: Represents the person of Rick Hansen. According to Google, the color navy blue represents power, authority, and importance.

Metallic Gold: Represents value and worth purified by the “Fires of Adversity”. The fire of adversity breeds/sparks strength in character.

White: Represents purity of purpose.

The School Logo

St. Elmo’s Fire: A Mariner’s legend recorded many times throughout history. During the height of a storm, sailors would be led to safety by the appearance of a phenomenal light that would guide them to a safe harbour.

The 34 Circles: The surrounding circles represent the number of countries Hansen visited on his “Man in Motion” tour, which also coincides with the School District number being 34.

School Mascot -The Hurricanes

The school decided to use the name hurricanes because of their powerful and destructive winds that rage throughout the world. They use hurricanes in the metaphorical sense, in which the same winds can become the problems we all face as we journey through life. They connect the hurricane with their logo– St. Elmo’s Fire– as the example and principles of Rick Hansen, as he sees us through to safety.

Sources Used For This Source:
Abbotsford News- The Reach Archives, rickhansen.abbyschools.ca, and Michael Hendricks